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Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering


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Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fifth Edition, Volumes One and Two
By Publisher: TF-CRC

Number Of Pages: 1440
Publication Date: 2006-01-13
Sales Rank: 2667771
ISBN / ASIN: 0849398436
EAN: 9780849398438
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: TF-CRC
Studio: TF-CRC
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Book Description:

Completely revised and updated, Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fifth Edition spans the entire spectrum of environmental science and engineering. Still the most comprehensive, authoritative reference available in this field, the monumental two-volume encyclopedia has expanded to include 87 articles on topics ranging from acid rain, air pollution, and community health, to environmental law, instrumentation, modeling, alternative energy, toxicology, radioactive waste, and water treatment. The articles have been extensively revised and updated, new ones have been added to cover the latest developments related to today's environmental problems. The result is a reference work that provides the information necessary to understand, manage, and respond to threats to the human environment.

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