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Yeumoitruong - Since 2007

MRSL LEVEL 1 requested by Adidas, Nike, H&M...


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An toàn hóa chất | an toàn lao động | Sự cố tràn dầu | Bộ ứng cứu tràn đổ 25L
-The ZDHC MRSL offers brands and suppliers a single, harmonised list of chemical substances banned from intentional use during manufacturing and related processes in supply chains of the textile, apparel, and footwear (including leather and rubber) industries (the Industry).

-Version 2.0 applies to textiles, leather, rubber, foam and adhesives, recognising that these materials use different processes. Filters for each material ensure limits reflect the processes.

-BV CPS (Bureau Veritas) can provide both Report (1 year expired) and Certification ( 2 years expired).

-Please contact Michael via HP# 0934195529, email: michael.pham@bureauveritas.com

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